brushes 1
brushes 2
trudgery through the drudgery

so this morning i woke up at 8, and turned off my alarm. and then i woke up at 10:10, and realized i was missing my research methods in psych class. the first day of the second week. awful. so i accepted that and decided i'd go find my teacher today and apologize and get any work i missed and lay back down in bed. but you see, the problem with all of your classes only being 50 minutes long is that when you miss one, you don't have this huge gap of time in which to do a little sleeping and then get up and still have time to get ready for your next class. i didn't realize this until about 10:20, so i had to hurriedly get ready, drive to the duplex, where curt was rushing to get to class, and trudge through the rain all the way to french. in taylor. in 5 minutes. okay, so i had 5 minutes, but it took me more like 10, so i got there a little late. so i'm cold and wet, and curt and i did the wrong thing, and took the short cut across the field and next to the track, meaning my socks and shoes and feet are soaked and muddy and smelling something awful. at least when i take them out. not doing that ever again. and i have to be on campus until 5. so if you're nice you'll go to my house and find me shoes and socks and bring them to the office at 2. i mean, if you're nice and have transportation and time to kill i guess. so i took my french test, and i think i did fabulous despite my worry. and i could say "actually, because of my worry, because it made me study alot" but no. i didn't study hardly at all. so that certainly is swell that i did well. and now it's time for more french. later there shall be more.

oh yeah, and i saw richard houchin in the hallway. he was being curious. that is all.



a little expletive never hurt no body.
or at least thats how i feel about jeff. or wait. i mean what i said to jeff. and we're all down. down down down. to the ground, to get out of the rain. actually just to play frisbee. in the rain. ahhh we're crazy crazies.

thrifty bargain is a fine store, and they have half off ground hogs day. so of course i got 2 new jackets and some blue leg warmers and a neat ashtray and a sugar dish and a french english dictionary. and of course curt got a new fanny pack! yay! and a neat red fuzzy hat and some awesome *read shitty* records. yay! oh, and some way cool pants. they're the best.

so i don't know about that bowling ball house. who's got a chico map? we were going to find it and surprise you all, so we could show you it in the light and all would be impressed. but no. we suck. and we drive around a lot but its not like it gets us anywhere.

so the oiuja board is convinced that emilie is going to have some strange things happen. so emilie we ought to have a talk. and also some person. going by the name "6" apparently used to live here. and as far as i know, died here. but he doesn't want to talk about it. maybe when curt's not pissing him off. anyone down for some good conversation with an old roomie? yes? and some corn bread. there's always corn bread.

so the thing is i've got this american studies reading. for my awesome class. well i mean, all of my this semester classes are awesome, but this one i have reading for. so come over. or something. and we'll ouija it up.

A bientot!


Monday, Feb. 02, 2004
11:56 a.m.
ebb ~ flow