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we want spectacular views

do scroll down, more is always added.

emilie i loves you. i'm sorry we didn't hang out last night. i was going to just do homework, then we wanted to find where the house was so we could take people back when we knew. but we didn't find it and noticed the sale and went to the thrift store. blah de blah. i shoulda called you anyway. i noticed that sometimes i do exactly what makes me hurt when others do. i'm sorry.

but i am proud of you, and it makes me happy to see you choosing to not fall down. it makes me sooo happy. because sometimes i think maybe rilo kiley is right

"you say i choose sadness and it never once has chosen me, maybe you're right...
and maybe sometimes we do choose sadness when there are so many other options. so gold star for you my emilie, and i loves you.

oh and one more thought for you, what that person wrote about sexuality is awesome. its like the idea we've sorta been working with in our talk of attraction, but she phrased it very well. and the idea of sexuality being as unique as your face and your personality and opinions, thats awesome.


and the dreams have come back again

but this time i'm not just watching them

its me as pilot instead

and i land the plane all by myself


so curt, emilie, aka my personal bank account. well for the time being. (thanks em) says she'll buy our tickets and we can pay her back when we get money. so if you're down and i'm down and she's down, we should do that today. because we need to get tickets. so we can go. cause it will be awesome.

yesterday, mark stemen came into the office and mentioned that he saw us playing frisbee, and then went on to tell me the history of the game, and why it was so neat that we were out playing on campus. and i told curt the story but i'm going to tell the rest of you now. so you can be educated. here goes:

So, the story begins back in the late 1800's/early 1900's on a college campus you may have heard of, named Yale. The ol' boys used to sit around on the green and got bored on occasion, so they started tossing around these pie tins. it was a gay ol' time, except when someone would accidently walk through the game, so they would yell "frisbee!" to warn them, as they were tossing around pie tins from the Frisbie Baking Company. So for quite some time, they continued this tradition with the pie tins, and it was only over there in Connecticut, no one else knew about it until one year when a film student from California went to Yale and spent some time playing the game and thought to himself, "Hey, this would be an awesome game to play on the beach!" So when he returned to his home in SoCal, he started telling people to throw the pie tins on the beach. They all had great fun, and it became a normal socal thing, this pie tin throwing on the beach. lots of fun in the sun. So then, Frankie and Annette came around, and on their show (was it a show?) there were often people tossing around pie tins on the beach, and the game became a little more well known. So this guy, Walter Morrison, a building inspector in LA, learns of this, and creates one out of plastic, which was a revolutionary thing for the frisbee, but he calls it the "Pluto Platter" trying to cash in on the UFO obsession among Americans. So these guys, Rich Knerr and A.K. Melin own this toy company called "wham-o." they just made a killing on this popular toy you might have heard of, the hula hoop. and they're looking for a new plastic toy to sell to the american public and they hear about this "Pluto Platter." they convince Walter Morrison to sell them the rights to his patent coincidentally around the same time the Frisbie Baking Company shut down. So Wham-O hears about the terms "Frisbie" and "Frisbie-ing" and renames theirs toy "Frisbee," marketing it as a fun new game. in 1964, the first professional model goes on sale, and sales skyrocket. Morrison, the original inventor, has to date received over a million dollars in royalties for his invention; however, Ed Headrick was the Wham-O inventor who designed the aerodynamic, perfectly curved modern frisbee that we know so well.

1967 was the year that high school students in Maplewood, New Jersey invented Ultimate Frisbee, and ten years later, Frisbee golf was created. The Frisbee is owned by a toy company we all know, Mattel, but many more companies produce the generic flying discs.

so there you go, it all started with some bored college students tossing around the ol' pie tin on the green, and its gone full circle to some bored college students tossing around the ol' frizbone on the green. we're classics.



like folds? like shatner? like hornby? check this out.

I'm glad i have good friends, and not backstabbing, plotting, revenging, turning other people against each other for their own personal gain type friends. thanks guys. because i keep hearing all these really awful stories about friends who do that, and i can't even imagine any of my friends being involved in anything of the sort. and that is a really awesome feeling.

in other news, besides having that awesome feeling, the longer i'm hear at work, the worse i feel. i'm just feeling somewhat anxious and uncomfortable and i'm not really sure why. i'm just getting negative energy vibes for some reason today. i hope my american studies class tonight is good and can turn this feeling around. that would be lovely for me. so i guess i'll talk to someone later or something. . .



katie loves people. good friends and moms and sometimes dads and sisters. one thing is, why is it always moms that are so supportive and so eager to hear about you, and so excited for what you are doing? no, not excited for what they are doing first, and what you are doing cause its in the same line of things and they can feel the same excitement. they're just excited for you. talkin to my mom is fabulous. she always listens to me no matter how much i babble, and always seems genuinely interested and excited. i mean, much as friends try, we're all still seperate enough that our own lives are much more thrilling than the lives of those around us. and that's not really our fault. its just how we are at this age.

so anyway, i was just thinking about that. and how awesome and maybe sad (?) it is at the same time.

so i'm going to go play with the bunny more. she needs more food. and to learn where to poo. goodnight.


Tuesday, Feb. 03, 2004
11:38 a.m.
ebb ~ flow