brushes 1
brushes 2

. and true.

broken and blue.

i'm sticking a lizard in my mouth for no apparent reason.

i have a $15 parking ticket, which i proclaim is an injustice that i received at all, taped to my desk over my computer. or for a few more days there it shall remain ((for a few more days))

sitting next to my keyboard is sara's laundry card that i was borrowing to do my laundry today. there it shall remain ((for a few more days))

i have accomplished my homework today and also a bit more cleaning of my room. and i also stopped by barnes&noble and pier 1 to ask about my applications. that makes me feel content enough about my accomplishments today.

its 8:54 pm. and what am i thinking about?

lets delve...

today is tuesday evening. that means we have 9 more regular days of GST, one art day, 2 1/2 days of weekend retreat, 1 era exam, the individual interrogation final, and the oral comprehensive final. and GST is over. its sad. but then again, its so not sad.

in 2 days or so, the standards will be here. after a year of hearing them and about them, and seeing them live at the pheonix once, we'll finally really 'meet' all of them. that makes for some excitement. and saturday night they play my little sisters prom. how cute is that.

sunday is em's big birthday celebration. and i was originally planning on traveling to good ol san francisco to see The Postal Service. now i've got a dilemma. i would rather like to attend em's birthday dinner etc. seeing the postal service would also be fun. and ali really wants to go. alas. it is hard. it will probably come down to if i feel like going to dinner or a concert when i wake up sunday. i love you either way em. and i can get you a super pretty pretty shirt. :) we'll see.

and now emilie is on my bed. ahem. uh so i uh gotta go

Tuesday, Apr. 29, 2003
8:47 p.m.
ebb ~ flow