brushes 1
brushes 2
12 hours and counting

so tonight jordan, nate, and blaine freaked me out. ask me for details. i forgive them though. cause they're boys.

in other news. i left last night at about midnight. and spent the next 5 hours getting fuck-ed up and playing fun games with good people. and it was all older people. read school night for high schoolers. anyway, it was kinda fun, but hangovers suck. and for most of today my stomach has been getting its revenge. no regurgitation though. which is very good stuff. it does make me feel just great about being a DD tomorrow if anyones wantin to go out. a day or a few off every now and then is good stuff.

so tonight i stopped by brandon's with leeann and it was alright, but a little on the boring side. i've got nothing against pot smoking. but when people sit around bored and boring and their attention is only tipped when someone mentions pot or its tiem to smoke. well...its just a little much. and i have these days where i'm just tired of the same ol thing. and atmosphere. chico will be so good to come home to tomorrow. i'm ready.

today i was thinking over this break. and what has happened and not happened. and i think the things that either should have happened and didn't or did happen and shouldn't have way outweigh the things that did happen and should have and didn't happen and shouldn't have. which sounds confusing. but basically i could've lived without it. but spending time with old freinds was really great. and i'm really glad i got to do that.

i'm just kinda rambling now.

i'm going to talk to jordan some more and then go to sleep, because tomororw is chico!!!

((and i'm a little anxious about the next few days))

Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2003
11:39 p.m.
ebb ~ flow