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awash in a sea

scrolla down. scrolla down.

upon first stepping outside today, I thought, "oh my the the weather is lovely. hmm, summer will be here soon, i really ought to start running and eating better and be in better shape for summer." and then i was thoroughly disgusted with myself, and rethought my thought "oh my the weather is lovely. when its so nice outside, i really want to be out enjoying it. maybe i'll start running more often, or biking, or playing tennis, or playing more frisbee. and eating better would be nice. i will feel better, be healthier, and it will be nice to eat real food, like more fruits and veggies."

so i think i'm going to do some of those things I thought of. and this weekend, when i go home, i'm going to get a couple of my tennis rackets, and some balls, and so whoever wants to is welcome to come play sometime. I'm also going to see if my dad can do some repairs on my new bike so i can ride that more often. and emilie, i'll see if he has anything that can cut your chain, because then maybe we can ride around together again. yay for sunny days and lovely weather. i always forgot how great spring is after having to live through summer here.

so i'm in my office ( my butte hall office, not thee office) until 4:30. so anyone's welcome to stop by. especially if you bring me something tasty. no lunches are here for me today.



okay, so i withdrawal that statement about the lack of lunch of work today. cause paula's getting us 'Grilla Bites. yaaaaa. yay for me. so i'm going to go get some things done. and wait for my turkey pesto to get back.



okay. so i was planning on working geography and planning 40 hours a week, hardcore most of the summer, i knew the office closed for july though, so today i reaffirmed that with paula, so i could think about alternate income that month, and she informs me that really the office is pretty slow all summer, except the few weeks before school starts. sooooo, i'm looking at my options. i think i might look into emilie's plan of summer camp. its a cool idea, and getting paid to spend my summer in what i picture as a cool mountain environment, meet new people, and hang out with kids sounds awesome. i don't think i could take being a counselor though, as i'm not too experienced with the camp thing, so i'm going to look into other areas, like dishwashing and arts and crafts and such like emilie is. its kinda fun how curt's going to be a counselor at lake hume and emilie's getting a job at some camp for the summer, and now maybe me. its neat that we're all going away to random places for the summer. i've never had the experience of not hanging out with friends all summer, of everyone going off to camp. so i'm going to be optimistic about it, and say it'll be awesome for us. yay for summer. and this lovely weather. and paula. she bought me grill bites for lunch, and now she's at coffee with john and is bringing me back a frappucino. w00t. i'll see you guys tonight


Thursday, Feb. 05, 2004
12:14 p.m.
ebb ~ flow