brushes 1
brushes 2
you know it. you show it.

clippity clop clippity clop

last night i sat at home alone. after the meeting of course. and i studied and organized notebooks and thought about many things.

first of all, i don't need you like that, and i'm not sure that i want you like that. or you. so lets hang out more and be good friends. because that i do like. and stop being so nonchalant about everything.

Sara's moving out. which sucks because she's the nice one. but is also awesome because her and steff found a nice house. so i'm glad for them. and they're having a barbeque on saturday. that should be lots of fun.

Emilie i agree, those parents have got it all wrong. our kids will know all about sexuality all their lives so they'll grow up smart and open and okay with it.

hmm what else.. oh yes. curt, coffee? its been a few days since we hung out, you and i. well unless you count lunch yesterday. but i can't really. i mean, it was just a walk to the bank and lunch. a lot of rushing and small talk, not a lot of hanging out and good conversation. so i'm down if you are.

now i've got to go buy a get well card for this guys wife and wait for Paula to get back with my lunch from Jascos. mm mmm.


1:20 pm

New news. No more drawing for Kt this semester. no more official drawing anyway. i'm going to try to recommit myself to my independent work. in other words, i'm going to put a lot more time and effort into my own drawing/painting/construction endeavors. then i have been in the past year or so. so expect that. for real man, expect, because sometimes i will need someone's expectations to drive me.

so to take the place of this dropped drawing course, i have added "intro to American Studies." I mean, if i'm going to major in it, i need the intro. plus, i hear the professor, steve metzger, is awesome. if you have any knowledge about this, let me know.

i think i'm going to take intercession this summer if i can. a couple of times, and another full load of classes next semester. i need to get a little more determined and a lot more committed if i'm ever going to make it to med school. think i can do 2 majors and a minor in 3 more years? well i'm certainly going to try.



no news is good news? nope, think again. here's a tidbit for you: so you know John Kerry? the democratic presidential nominee? well back when he was running for governor, the Geography Department chairman Eugenie Rovai was getting with her first boyfriend ever. and his older sister happened to be John's campaign manager. and here's the goodpart, she was also getting with him. you know. in the bedroom. or a closet or a bathroom, probably wherever was convenient when it occurred. we're pretty sure they were both married at the time but you might want to look into that.

this is all. man i feel like a tabloid journalist.


Dear Devlin Donnelly,

I refuse to participate in your poll in order to retain my own dignity, and also because I cannot fully agree with either of you posted options.

For the record, yes, i do think Curtis's post should stay up. However, I do not believe it is mindless drivel. I enjoy Curtis's slightly silly commentary on our daily lives, and I believe that neither mindless nor drivel can describe Curtis's manner of speaking and posting. As for your second option, even if I did feel that Curtis's post has no place on your site, I would not call it garbage; very few would. I'm not quite sure what to say regarding your next comment, as your posts often venture far from "intellectual introspection" and I feel confident that Curtis's insertion of a bit of jovial wit and humour into your sight did your dear readers a great deal more good than bad.

I hope that you can see what a mockery you are making in having your friends waste their valuable time voting for how you should make your personal life decisions, and in the future simply make the right decision for yourself.

Yours truly,

Kathryn Walker

this is Kathryn signing out. have a good night folks.

Thursday, Jan. 29, 2004
11:21 a.m.
ebb ~ flow