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Progress is the alternative to which we align/hopeless intuition, raped between the lines

this is an essay. for polysci. you don't have to read it, and you shouldn't. i just need emilie to print it. so i'm posting it. because sending things over the internet is too complicated with us.

Kathryn Walker

�Senator says buying Canadian drugs could save California millions�

This articles explains the benefits and disadvantages of purchasing prescription drugs from Canada for State hospitals and prisons. Drugs are cheaper there, because they have a national healthcare system, and so the government regulates a maximum price for prescription drugs. If California were to have the ability to buy from Canadian and not just United States companies when looking for the cheapest prices on prescription drugs, the state could save over $23 million.

There are obvious advantage to allowing the state to purchase drugs from Canada is saving money. Many other states have looked into doing this, and although none have passed legislation allowing it, some cities do import drugs from Canada. A disadvantage that has been brought up is that buying these price-controlled drugs from Canada could �hurt California�s world-leading biotech industry.� David Gollaher, president of the California Healthcare Institute that represents universities and biotech companies feels that buying drugs from Canada would mean less research money coming into California, which would mean less job in the biotech field and less research, meaning fewer new drugs.

Governor Schwarzenegger has not taken a position yet, but members of his administration have said that they are concerned about the quality of imported drugs, and also about the rising cost of prescription drugs.

I think importation of Canadian drugs should be allowed, although maybe there should be some sort of a limit as to how many of them. With at least a few lower priced drugs on the market, perhaps U.S. drug companies would feel pressure to lower their own prices. As far as the research money David Gollaher claims the California Healthcare Institute will losing, a percentage of the money saved through importing cheaper drugs should be put toward research and everyone comes out of it better.

yay for one page papers! yay for class almost being over! yay for Canada! yay for drugs! oh, and yay for Emilie!


ps: this is the link to my article. that's the printable version. in case somethings up with that link, here's the original.

Thursday, Jan. 22, 2004
8:25 p.m.
ebb ~ flow