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lord of the rings: return of the king was a great movie. i didn't leave amazed the brilliance of it or anything, but thats mainly because i've never been too into the lord of the rings. i'd like to read the books someday though, they sound quite fabulous. but the special effects in the movie were good, and i enjoyed watching it, perhaps a little less for the fact that we went to the 10:30 showing, which didn't end till after 2 am. and the end dragged out a bit, what with trying to wrap up all the loose ends in those few cheesy scenes. but still, a valiant effort of a movie, and perhaps my favorite lord of the rings, although i can't make those kind of declarations just yet, i'll have to do some more reading and movie viewing.

speaking of movies, peter pan this christmas i am certainly going to see, and it will be fun if nothing else. next summer is the day after tomorrow which looks awesome to see for the special effects even if it might turn out to be another typical, cheesy, the world is ending, where will you be? type movies. then there's harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban. and ooo i am thrilled for that. there's something about seeing a harry potter movie that just makes me feel so warm and glowing. the music and the magic, and i'm just a sucker for harry potterness apparently. there was another movie, perhaps Hidalgo? something like that. but the horse which its about is beautiful, and i'd like to see it to if i get the chance. its expensive to be a movie-goer though. thats why i usually stick to cheap skate mondays at the pageant.

tomorrow is saturday, and em's leaving on a jet plane, and dev might be taking off too. everyone's going home for the holidays. i hope this turns out to be a good christmas. i'm not really worried or anything, just on occasion my dad gets into these moods and its crappy to spend that traditional "holiday time" when we feel obligated to be full of cheer and happy family togetherness, when he's in one of his moods. it'll be good to have a break from the everydayness of everything though. these stretches always happen, of hardcore working everyday, classes everyday, hanging out at dev's with everyone the rest of the time, and wandering home to sleep at night. they're fun, but its always nice to take a breather. i get a two week break of lounging around home, and then its back to class and work. i'm taking one intercession class, but during that time i'm going to be trying to work as many hours as possible, like 30-40 per week. i need to save up something awful. rent next semester is going to be $350 for me, instead of the $275 i'm paying now. but its certainly worth it. i will not go into any of the crap my room mates are feeding me, here online, but they certainly are being ridiculous. i thought we were a society that had learned to communicate at a reasonably advanced level, so we could sit down and talk one on one and really do our best to be understood and understand others and get the right ideas and messages across, but some people just don't get that concept and prefer other much much less efficient or civil forms of communicating. but to each his own i suppose.

tomorrow, or rather today, is saturday, and i need to get a hold of bidwell mill apartments, as the house idea fell through. cathy has to get this intestinal surgery sometime in the next few weeks, followed by a couple months of rest, meaning it in no way will happen before we need it to. its lame for all involved, but the way it has to be. so we're back to looking into those apartments, which are also fabulous. i need to turn in our applications, that we filled out before and never turned in, and pick a move-in date. oh it will be good to get out of here, and into that lovely apartment. i also have to talk to my landlord, i have been putting it off for an unreasonable amount of time, but not because i'm dreading it or scared or anything, simply because of my absent-minded, forgetful nature. and its crappy of me to do to my roommates, but certainly not deserving of their overreacting. also, i'm driving em to the airport, and visiting ian which involved the return of my peacoat(!!!) and thats good business. Dev might leave tomorrow, i assume he will, because he's rational like that, but itd be cool if he stuck around one more night. it'll be a while before we hang out again. but maybe its silly for me to talk about a few weeks like its years and i'd forget him if he was gone too long. at any rate, i ought to be sleeping. its 3:02, and i've got to get up and drive to sacramento before noon tomorrow.

this entry was ridiculously long, but i felt the need to spill. so i bid you adieu. my next entry will most likely be from my humble abode outside of willows.


Saturday, Dec. 20, 2003
2:42 a.m.
ebb ~ flow