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let's be passionate, its not like we'll get another chance to do this

its thursday. which is quite lovely since tomorrow is friday. and that means yoga. at 10! not 8! this friday also means only a couple hours of work, and then going to San Francisco which is better than almost anything.

right now i'm just hoping to make it through today though. this week has been very hard on my sleep account. very few deposits have been made. I also have been neglecting eating, mainly because I keep leaving my wallet at dev's and stuff. and then i'm on campus all day, snackless which no money. so i haven't really been eating between 8 and 5. well except the peanut butter and jelly sandwich that devlin brought me yesterday. my was that tasty.

the night before last, I saw Kind of Like Spitting play at fulcrum records. well actually it was just Ben Barnett and his friend on acoustic guitars busting out Kind of Like spitting tunes as well as some covers, from people like Phil Oates, who's his personal hero or something, and a few new songs. I thoroughly enjoyed it. it was a bit odd to be at a show, as i have not been in some time. but it was good to just chill and listen to good music. plus i'm in love with kind of like spitting songs. so it was just awesome to hear them sung live. i'm a fan of acoustic as well.

in other news, i'm going to london next summer. it originally was planned for christmas break but due to some scheduling conflicts, it is now next summer. i'm traveling with my good friend devlin dewitt donnelly and anyone else who might come along. i think curt has plans too.

anyways i'm out as i AM at work. and i ought to do something productive.


Thursday, Oct. 09, 2003
8:54 a.m.
ebb ~ flow