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brushes 2
ramble ramble another day in the office

i'm in the office, not working and trying to put off finishing my drawing reading. for as much as i love to draw, i am not enjoying this drawing class so much. i love color theory and painting, but this slow and thoughtful drawing thing is so frustrating. my mind doesn't like having to think new ways, and its being quite stubborn. i'd rather sketch than draw one line, i'd rather shade than draw outlines. i'd rather draw people than chairs. i'd rather have a fun teacher than an intimidating one.

but in the end i know it will make be a better artist.

i'm thinking right now that i NEED to see Ben again. that i haven't yet makes me so sad. also, i can't wait till his next EP comes out, which would be this month!! ((yay))

so i'm quite bored at the moment, but finally awake because Paula bought me coffee and Cathy gave me chocolate cake, but my stomach is knotty in acknowledgement of the fact that i'm going to Paradise to talk to my boss at holiday and quit today, and that i see Igby tonight and tomorrow. and we're really just not so sure how that will turn out. and that is made even stranger by that fact that i don't know how i want it to turn out. either way, itd be awesome to have another good friend, especially one from The Door. whether or not it was anything else.

so Paula is talking to her friend John, who is the most fabulous guy. if he was gay he'd be the perfect gay best friend, but i dont know if he is. regardless, he and paula are awesome friends and are always calling and emailing and stopping by to surprise each other. they complain to each other and laugh together and make each other feel better and their friendship just seems so fabulous, i need a guy of that nature in my life. oh man i want a gay best friend. i should find Simon and convince him to come live in chico. he certainly is an ideal gay best friend.

okay enough wasting of my time and yours, time for studying.


Thursday, Sept. 11, 2003
10:05 a.m.
ebb ~ flow