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brushes 2
cubosity rules man

tonight i saw 28 Days Later. and i wasn't nearly as impressed as most everyone i know who has seen it seemed to be. it just didn't seem to fit together quite right. i really like about the first 10-20 minutes and then it went downhill. it was a good idea, and there were nice shots, and i liked the musical selections, but the script just failed me. if you haven't seen it and are planning on it, don't read the next few sentences. one of the things i didn't like about it, was that so many people have been talking about it and how its frighteningly like SARS and other viruses that come about periodically, however the movie became more and more unrealistic as it played out, mostly because of the virus itself. i'm not incredibly knowledgable about the subject of viruses, but i find it hard to consider the "rage" being a realistic virus. also, it was passed on through bodily fluids, and when it was convenient for the scene, blood would splatter right into a person's orifice or small wound, while in other scenes, a person would be covered in a great deal of the diseased blood and be just fine. also, the infected people lurked almost solely in the dark. as if the light were dangerous for them. at any rate, the uninfected people seemed confident in the light, and only encountered the infected at night or in dark places. i cannot see why this virus would cause this avoidance of light. as the infected were depicted, they seemed to deteriorate from intelligent beings to animals solely focused on some sort of "rage" within them. with their only focus being to kill of harm others. yet, they thought enough to hide out in the dark and attack at opportune moments, and also they attacked only uninfected people. all in all, i just feel that the script left had too many holes. and i guess the point is it was an entertaining movie to watch but doesn't quite hold together under scrutiny.

so moving on from the movie, i went to the campus today and picked up some information on studying abroad. once school starts and i'm on campus more, i'm going to go talk to someone about scholarships and such because i'm really hoping this will pan out and i can go to France next year. i'd really like to learn at least basic French before then, but i have no room in my schedule this semester, so i'm going to work on teaching myself and take it next semester, and perhaps French 2 next fall, and go in the spring. today i found out that with my major as graphic design, my expected date of Graduation is december 2005. but i think it may take me an extra semester if i do this and go to France. but i definately think its worth it.

anyway, i feel like i'm rambling entirely too much so i'm going to go read and sleep. nite

Tuesday, Jul. 08, 2003
11:52 p.m.
ebb ~ flow