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brushes 2
the office is where the food is

scroll down my friends.

for sure. so i woke up sorta late this morning. probably because of that whole going to sleep at 3am thing. so curt called to help me wake up ((thanks curt)) and i got ready in a rather short amount of time, at least for me. and rode as fast as i could to curt's, threw a stick at his window to wake him, and he drove me to class. and then i went to french. and then i was really hungry. but i'm really poor. and i left to fast to be able to grab anything to bring. so i'm walking to work, after french, and thinking about spending some of the couple dollars i have left to buy gas to get home with, in order to at least eat something so my stomach will stop hurting. but i figure i'll go by my office first, mostly because there's sooo many people in butte station.

so i walk into my office, and mark stemen's at my desk, and he says, "katie! perfect timing! go up to room 703 now, and hurry back!"

so i of course hurry to 703, not sure what the problem is, and i find a vast buffet of wonderful food. there was this amazing dip and piles of chips, tasty bread rolls, meats and cheeses, pickles, olives, strawberries, canteloupes and other fruits, wraps cut into little rolls, pasta salad, and cake. i'm sure i forgot something, there was so much of it. so i filled a plate and came back to the office and paula and i sat and ate, and she sent me to buy water and peanut m&m's for us, which she paid for. its just a fabulous thing to be feeling annoyed at having this random hour to come in and work and feeling so hungry and then coming to work and finding mounds of tasty food and people being so nice.

yay for geography! yay for my job!

in other news, i had a very strange dream last night involving a stubborn chinese man and my irritation with my western way of life (my dream irritation at any rate). you'll have to ask me for details. and the night before, there was a curious dream involved pillow and blanket samples and me trying to make out with a candle through a window. again, the details are available on request.

so tonight i go home, and my mom's making me dinner and then we'll sit and talk and drink wine. and tomorrow is mates of state! twice! in san francisco! oh this shall be a fine weekend indeed.


ps- i saw the goonies last night for the first time. what a strange thing that that movie exists, and what a fabulous thing that the midnight movie exists. i had forgotton how big and comfy that theatre is, and how awesome it is to watch these old movies that most people have seen a bazillion times, or they're so random that very few have, and to watch them with these large crowds of college students late at night. i think its one of those things i'll reminisce about when i have kids in college. ah yes, the midnight movie.


once again, its ever so lovely out of doors today. as i was walking to work from my american folklore class, the light was just beginning to dim, and the breeze was picking up. there was a hint of rain in the air; i could feel it and smell it, and the occasional droplet would fall on me. the birds were chirping loudly, as they often do at the threat of a storm, and when i closed me eyes, i almost felt as if i were deep in the forest right before dusk. i was hiking down a trail, hoping to get back my camp before it was too dark. i would eat around the campfire with my family and friends, and fall asleep on the ground in my warm, cozy sleeping bag.

that certainly was one of the most lovely feelings i've had in a while. what a fine day it is.


post script:

lj haiku:

be making love to
him i know because you told
me i'm never going to

Friday, Feb. 06, 2004
12:33 p.m.
ebb ~ flow