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brushes 2
these are the reasons today is viewtiful

1: I was woken up by my mom bringing me a guitar and a digital camera.

2: I got a ride to yoga.

3: I did the handshake with a drugged up ali.

4: Yoga was cancelled today, and today was the day we were reading journal entries, and other sorts of things I didn't really want to do.

5: I spaced out in the elevator and forgot to push the button for my floor, and everyone awwed when I vocally realized this.

6. A boy on the street gave me a big smile.

7. I got to spend time with my good friend Devlin.

8. We went to Grilla Bites and I ate vegan organic minestrone soup that was divine.

9. The owner of Grilla Bites saw me smiling, and said "keep smiling, it looks great on you"

10. I got to drink some of Devlin's Kaboom Tropicool, with its guava and spearmint. and it was quite tasty.

11. Eugenie is being super nice, and I arrived late to work, only to have a delightful conversation about Grilla Bites with her and Dean Fairbanks, and absolutely no bad feelings about my being late.

12. Paul Melcon said I could join his guitar lessons next semester(!), and also that I'm invited to go on his classes snowshoeing fieldtrip to Mt. Lassen over intercession.

13. Emilie came to visit me at work.

14. Eugenie gave me a christmas gift that is this awesome christmas tree lady.

15. Tonight, Anthony is making enchiladas, and I'm sure they will be wonderful, as so far all of his creations have been.

16. Later tonight Devlin will rap.

17. Azalea Drive plays tonight at the Zeppelin house.mmm.

18. And to top off the night, if we make it that far, The Wizard of Oz is the midnight movie.

ah yes, its a viewtiful day.

Friday, Dec. 12, 2003
1:28 p.m.
ebb ~ flow