brushes 1
brushes 2
abc 123

A is for -
Age: 19. only one month left of teenage angst.

B is for -

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: nopa.

C is for -

Career in future: artist; pediatrician on the side. hey, you've got to keep the money flowing somehow.

D is for -

Dad's name: Gerald Allen Walker

E is for -

Essential item to bring to a party: an open mind and no expectations

F is for -

Favorite song at the moment: Glendora by Rilo Kiley

G is for -

Guy/Girls you've kissed: Nick Marquez, Lee Ibarra, Jason Dodson, Chris Arnaldo, Nathan Evaro, Ian Marquez, Sean Munns, Nathan Danner, Tyler Pence, Luke Murray, Kevin Castaneda, James Costa, Myles Austerwiel, Nate Geniella, Patrick Brennan, Alex Dempsey, Devlin Donnelly, Brandon Collett/Emilie Clark, Stephanie Norton, Katie McMillen, Leeann Holley

H is for -

Hometown: Willows

I is for -

Instruments you play: the piano when i'm motivated, and i'm learning the guitar

J is for -

Job title: student assistant

K is for -

Kids: are so great

L is for -

Living arrangement: a room in an apartment that i'm not really part of. soon, i will abide in emilie and i's lovely little house

M is for -

Mom's name: Mary Margaret Walker aka Peggy

N is for -

Number of people you've slept with: ahem

O is for -

Overnight hospital stays: only once. and it wasn't the conventional "hospital stay" and it was awful

P is for -

Phobia[s]: having a lack of creativity and artistic talent.

Q is for -

Quote me: "Would you fuck me, because i'd fuck me." Rilo Kiley

R is for -

Relationship that lasted the longest: about 7 months

S is for -

Sexual position: surely it depends

T is for -

Time you wake up: depends on the night before. and when class and work is. usually between 7:30am and 1:00pm

U is for -

Unique trait(s): artisically talented, observant, open to new people and new things, hopeful

V is for -

Vegetable you love: broccoli and carrots. and corn on the cob. and fresh green beans. and of course grilled onions.

W is for -

Worst habit: biting my nails. they live in fear.

X is for -

X-rays you've had: foot, ankle several times, wrist several times, sinuses, and teeth.

Y is for -

Yummy food you make: I make tasty lasanga. also good sandwiches and lovely chai tea. because its soo hard.

Z is for -

Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2003
2:53 p.m.
ebb ~ flow