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sick in september

i'm at work and have no projects. so i'm just chillin until paula gets back from lunch. i have a history take-home quiz (why do they call those quizzes?) to finish by 4. but its ridiculously easy and i don't feel like doing any reading for it just yet, so i'm procrastinating. i wish you people would update more often so i could have something to occupy my time while i avoid things that need to be done.

in other news, i've been getting more and more sick these days. yesterday one of my classes was cancelled, so all i ended up doing was seeing my therapist for an hour, working for half an hour and then going to my easiest class which is only 1 hour and 15 minutes. however, these things exhausted me and by the time i got out of class i knew there was no way i would make it home. so i went to dev's and collapsed on his bed and all was better. i relaxed there for a while. got some water and chicken soup, and advice about flushing my system to get all the bad guys out from dev. and then i felt better.

lots of other things happened yesterday, like going grocery shopping, ripping of walmart for curt, bible study, and cookie baking. oh and my mom calling me to tell me my credit card is over charged and i have over draft charges of about $70 to pay. all good fun stuff. wait...

so i keep thinking of all the fun things to do this weekend, and then remember i have to work. ridiculous. i need to call and quit. like now. dev's friends nate and alex are coming this weekend because nate turns 20 on sunday. and i mean wouldn't you come to chico if you wanted to party?

so that should be cool. my goal is to hang out with the guys and have it be fun and not weird. sometimes i just get really mad at myself for being stupid earlier in the summer. because itd be better if it hadn't occurred. not that it wasn't fun...

anyway, the door is tonight, so i'm going to that. and i'm going to go get my bike tire fixed. because i am soooo tired of walking to school.

and i'm losing my car. but its okay.

and i joined a support group.

((oh i wish it were raining))

if you're feeling kind you ought to bring me some peppermint tea so i can stop coughing like this and making my throat sore and my head ache.

Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2003
1:49 p.m.
ebb ~ flow