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so that entry last night was false alarm or something like that. ali was fine and just forgot to call. and being around my worried mother made me paranoid. so yes. i went to town to look for her, and on the way got a call saying she was on her way home, and on my way home i encountered this crazy lady on the side of the road which is another story that you can ask me about if you'd like to know.

so today i was active! i played tennis, i was burned to a nice bright red by the sun, i visited the doctor, and i went to work. so ambitious. or something. i have some kind of infection in my throat, which i suspected. and i now have a new supply of antibiotics. sometimes i'm a little worried about the ease with which i can get them. isn't there a lot of problems associated with overuse of antibiotics? although, i know its just easier for me because my mothers a nurse and after i complain to her for a week or two about my symptoms, she usually knows what i've got and tells the doctor what she thinks he is, and he most always simply confirms this and prescribes me the right medication. but it still seems so easy. so anyway, after seeing him today, for like the zillionth time this year with throat and sinus problems, he thinks i should have my sinuses x-rayed or something similar. because my older sister has found that she has underdeveloped sinuses and may need surgery on them, and i guess mine might be in the same shape. either way, i hope they can do something to fix my chronically dripping sinus problem.

leeann and i tried to watch old School tonight, but it failed halfway through, a scratch on the disc or something. which is sad because it was quite amusing. renting it was interesting too, as we went when i got off work, so i was in holiday uniform, and we went to AMH, the small movie theatre/rental shop local to willows. middle school/high school kids hang out there sometimes and there were a bunch of seniors/new graduates there that i used to hang out with on occasion, mostly at parties, and mostly in what ended as weird circumstances. i haven't seen them for a while. mainly because i haven't gone to any parties since i've been back in willows. so it was a little weird to run into them, but mainly i was thinking in my head that it wasn't that weird, and i didn't feel awkward, which i normally would. and i thought that was good. because i don't like feeling awkward. sorry, that entire paragraph got a little wierd.

so in other news. i'm kinda laying out plans for the next year or two, and i'm going to do what i can to follow through. because ultimately they lead to accomplishing things that i'd really like to do in my life, so hopefully i'm successful in my endeavours. which i may share one day.

now i'm going to go to sleep because i'm trying to sleep more normal hours. to prepare myself for returning to school in a month a half or so, at which time i hope to be waking up and arriving to class on time, everyday. its a big goal i know. but i believe in me :)

ps-i like your new template em, it may not look like you, but it reminds me of you. and we should do something monday night if you're not busy. i'll call you :)

Friday, Jul. 11, 2003
11:42 p.m.
ebb ~ flow