brushes 1
brushes 2
and it begins

so i'm back in willows, and hardly loving it.

its good to see home and friends and my family.

but i don't know if i can take my dad for 2 months. after spending one night with my dad, i realized i spent all day today mostly complaining to emilie about it. and i have 2 months to go, so i'm going to try and look at the good side of things and see if we can work together. its a little far fetched but i might as well try.

i wish i was in santa cruz right now, hanging out with the standards, but i'm home because my uncle was supposed to be arriving this evening, and my dad thought it unacceptable that i miss even one evening of his visit. alas, he did not come tonight because he ended up staying with a friend in carson city for the evening because it was so late. so my missing out on good times was all for nothing. you live and you learn.

upon moving back to my old room, i have realized i own an excessive amount of useless things. so i am setting about getting rid of them. my summer goals are as follows:

find a job and work a lot

don't spend money, save it

clean and renovate room

see therapist who is hopefully helpful

follow through with no drinking rule

not be driven crazy by my dad's bipolar/closedminded tendencies

its a very ambitious list i know, and i only have 2 months to do some of them. but i will do it. yay me. ...

so its late, not really, and i have plans for more jobhunting, the fabulous silver dollar fair, and dinner with the family tomorrow, so i need to get some sleep. goodnight and farewell i may or may not be making many entries this summer. we'll see how things go.

Friday, May. 23, 2003
11:14 p.m.
ebb ~ flow