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things have been interesting since i returned to shango. i have been feeling anxious/apprehensive/diffident the last few days. today i realized something though. i thought i was waiting for something to happen but i really just want things to stay the way they are. sometimes i worry too much. things turn out the way they will.

other things i have realized lately are that although i thought i watched too much tv as a child i apparently watched very very little compared to everyone else. that makes me very happy to know i spent my time outdoors and using my imagination rather than staring at a television. i'm always rather disappointed in parents who allow their children to watch tv and play video games for the majority of the time. it is so sad when kids spend all their time with such pointless things when there are so many great things they could be doing. just my opinion. video games and television can always be entertaining and fun i just think kids are better off raised with out them. i think i'm biased because of a certain situation i became involved in not so long ago in which a certain guy was raising two small kids who spent all of their time online, in front of the tv, or playing video games. it made me sad.

enough of that though. i'm kind of rambling today, but the thing is i'm feeling happier.

today i realized that i often don't do well in large groups of people. i start to feel uncomfortable and self-concious unless i'm in my own surroundings that i feel comfortable in. i prefer to interact with people individually or in small groups. it was just something i was thinking about. i do love people though and sometimes its wonderful to be able to hang out with everyone.

i'm going to go get started on my homework now...maybe.

ps-its supposed to rain on friday :)

mood: feeling happier

music: Tsunami Bomb-No One's looking

Thursday, Dec. 05, 2002
3:05 p.m.
ebb ~ flow